Thursday, April 2, 2009

mini lightbulb moment

God teaches me in the weirdest ways.
what does it mean to "wait upon the lord?"

ok, i have dwelled on this question for FOREVER! through songs (everlasting god by chris tomlin) and through scripture (isaiah 40:31. psalm 27:14..more), i have never understood this concept. moreover, i never understood how we wait.. everytime i read it, i feel convicted to do so because I know it's God's word, but i'm not understanding how i can and then i stifle the thought and kind of breeze right through the verse...

today, before jumping to the HOW, i tried to understand WHAT IT MEANS to wait on God.

super lame, but in my quest of putting it all together, i looked up the meaning of "wait".
(I deleted the totally unrelated ones like "serve tables at restaurant"):
a: to stay in place in expectation of
b: to look forward expectantly
c: to hold back expectantly

so, IF i was waiting on the Lord.. that would mean that i am completely dependant on God. i would always "hold back", letting God take control, and waiting on God to show his plans for me, not relying on myself. it would mean that i am patient, for i am "staying in place in expectation of". it would mean that i have given up everything to Him and that i would be just waiting for Him to decide everything for me. IF i was waiting upon the Lord, not only would i be patient and dependant, but i would "look forward expectantly"..meaning the waiting wouldn't be full of anxiousness..but peaceful and joyful.

hm. i think it's finally all coming together--i dont know why it's so hard for me to understand this. oh the grace of God...



Blogger hannah said...

spectacular! amazing! stupendous! brilliant! ahhh, the word of the G-O-double D!!! =)

April 2, 2009 at 11:12 AM  
Blogger Breathing In Grace said...

I googled "scripture about a light bulb moment", and your blog came up first...WOW!!! It's a God-thing that He led me to you. Keep up the wonderful posting!!!! If you get a chance, check me out at (actually it's Jeremiah 29:11)
Blessings to you...Deb

June 19, 2009 at 10:09 AM  

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